Effects of medications on oral health

When you are sick, you are expected to take medications. However, the more you take medications the more you weaken your immune system. This can be of diverse effects on your general health and specifically on your oral health. Let us look into it further below.

How medicines affect your oral health

Some drugs directly affect your oral health, for example, tablets, and lead to the formation of a dry mouth. Drugs such as antidepressants, antihistamines, and decongestants can lead to tooth decay and other gum diseases. Other pills like anticoagulants and antiplatelet tablets increase bleeding through invasive procedures. Moreover, other drugs can cause loss of taste, resulting in reduced cravings for the right diet.

How to prevent these side effects

There are several steps you should take to protect your teeth and gums in case you are under a certain kind of medication. One of the ways is exercising proper oral hygiene. This involves brushing at least twice (more specifically after taking drugs) and flossing each time you brush. Also, normalize using mouthwash before brushing to improve the results of the process.

Talk to us

For any scientific facts or any questions, our team of doctors is more than ready to help with it. They will offer advice about any medications that you are supposed to take to reduce the effects, and also tell you about the side effects of using certain medicines on your oral health. When necessary, they will alter your dosage or recommend alternatives that have fewer side effects. In this case, dental visits are to be prioritized.

In conclusion, drugs are important to our bodies. In large amounts, they alter the body’s ability to fight any problems since the body is rendered dependent on drugs. Therefore, it is important to know the consequences and the side effects of the drugs you take to guard your oral health.