Today, there are many ways to ensure patient comfort during surgical procedures. One of the popular procedures is sedation. It relaxes the patient and makes them fall asleep. Sedation is also known as monitored anesthesia, twilight sedation, or conscious procedure. Used during minor or less complex procedures. During this procedure, the dentist might perform biopsies or use a scope, to carefully examine the patient’s throat or colon. This diagnosis treats underlying conditions like cancer. This procedure will often be combined with an analgesic used for pain relief.
How does sedation work
Sedation is done through an IV placed in a vein. The amount of sedation needed depends on the procedure carried out. This comes with drowsiness or deep sleep which means you will not be able to remember anything during the procedure. After sedation, your breathing slows down hence, oxygen is needed.
After the procedure, most patients wake up after the medication is halted. It might come with possible side effects like headache and nausea. Combining sedation with analgesics (that involve injections to numb the area) or regional anesthesia (which numbs a larger part of the body), helps to reduce the pain.
What are the levels of sedation
A patient’s level of sedation depends on factors like the type of procedure you are going through, how your body reacts to anesthesia, age, medical conditions, and the patient’s health habits. That is why your doctor should know you in detail. An anesthesiologist is involved regardless of the level. There are three levels:
First is the minimal sedation that helps the patient relax, while still awake. That means that you will hear, understand and respond to the questions that your doctor will be asking. This level is needed when the patient should get involved during the procedure.
Secondly is the moderate sedation that makes you feel drowsy and may eventually fall asleep. You may not remember the procedure. Lastly, there is deep sedation. That will put you to sleep to some level of unconsciousness. Your memory might be impaired.
In conclusion, this procedure is performed by anesthesiologists who are highly skilled and equipped medical experts. Our dentists and anesthesiologists work hand in hand to help you during and after. You can be sure of the best services and utmost care. You do not have to be afraid anymore, we are here for you.